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Every year, on June 15, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is observed to raise awareness.

Every year, on June 15, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is observed to raise awareness of the increasing number of instances of elder abuse and to take action against it. Elder abuse is a worldwide problem that is getting worse and needs the attention of the right authorities. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day raises awareness of the problem and calls for action.

One in six elderly people are the victims of some form of abuse, according to a UN report. As a result, raising awareness of elder abuse is crucial. Learn more about the significance, theme, and history of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day here.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023 was established in 2006 by the World Health Organization and the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse at the United Nations. Elder abuse is becoming more and more common in today's society. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day raises awareness of this issue and inspires international organizations to act.

This day is also about calling out abusers, in addition to raising awareness. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day inspires people to demand that abusers be punished.

Below, we provide additional information regarding World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

Day to raise awareness of elder abuse: Elder Abuse: What Is It?

Elder abuse frequently goes unreported and goes unnoticed despite its widespread prevalence. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day aims to raise awareness of the kind of bias-based abuse that older people can suffer from. Any of the following can be considered elder abuse.

Abuse by force: It might involve hitting or hurting the person, resulting in bruises or physical injuries.

Sexual violence: It might involve sexually abusing the person.

Abuse of money: It might involve lying to the person or taking money from them.

Abusive thoughts: It might entail verbally abusing the individual or placing them in circumstances that are extremely distressing for them.

Understanding the causes of elder abuse is also essential in light of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The following are some possible causes:

Motives other than the offender's own self-interest or avarice Criminal intent Bias or prejudice Personal bias Elder abuse is unfortunately a widespread issue, despite the fact that it can be difficult to imagine that anyone would intend to intentionally harm an elderly person. Elder abuse can be committed with the intention of financial exploitation; Scams aimed at seniors are probably familiar to you. In other instances, it is simply carelessness: Healthy food, appropriate medication, safety, and assistance with hygiene are not provided by caregivers. Speak up if you spot something.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, or WEAAD, is an annual campaign that was launched on June 15, 2006, by the World Health Organization and the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. The United Nations General Assembly declared that day World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in its 66/127 resolution. On this day, the entire world protests against any form of abuse of the elderly.

By raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic, and demographic processes that affect older people, WEAAD aims to give communities all over the world a chance to better understand the abuse they face. Elder abuse is one of the forms of violence that receives the least amount of attention and is not addressed in national action plans nearly as frequently as other important social issues.

Elder abuse was identified as a problem of public health and human rights in the UN International Plan of Action. There will be 1.4 billion older people in the world by 2030, indicating an aging population worldwide. The majority of cases of elder abuse that go unreported are estimated to affect between 4% and 6% of seniors, according to research. This day is dedicated to maintaining our focus on our elders and ensuring that they lead dignified and high-quality lives.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day's History The first year that World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was officially established was in 2006. Every UN member state is encouraged to observe this day annually on June 15 because the UN supports it. More details about the history of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day can be found here.

Through Resolution 66/127, the United Nations General Assembly established WEAAD.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day has been observed annually by a number of nations over the course of time.

Better and safer facilities for the elderly have been established as a result of this day's celebration.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Is Important World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is important because it lets a lot of people who have been abused as seniors speak up. Here are a portion of the motivations behind why noticing WEAAD is significant.

It gives elder abuse victims a chance to come forward and share their experiences.

It demands that elder abuse victims receive redress.

It calls for enhanced elderly protection and care facilities.

It calls attention to the flaws in society and inspires people to improve.

How Should World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Be Celebrated?

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is observed in numerous ways. This day is observed worldwide by many nations, and numerous events are held to raise concerns about elder abuse. People can take part in World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by doing the following.

Participate in educational events that discuss elder abuse's causes and solutions.

donating to organizations that aid elderly people in need.

Engage in offline and online campaigns to raise awareness of elder abuse.

Timeline for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 1978 The Advocacy and Services for LGBT Elders is established.

The first book on elder abuse, "Abuse and Maltreatment of the Elderly: A Tell-All," was published in 1983. The book "Causes and Interventions" comes out.

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) is established by the United States Administration on Aging in 1988.

The nation's first Elder Abuse Forensic Center was established in 2003 by a group of UCI professors.

FAQs for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: How can an individual report elder abuse?

Call 911 if an elderly person is in immediate danger. Contact the police or a local anti-abuse group if you think an elderly person is being mistreated. The NCEA lays out various scenarios and suggests ways to assist.

When is International Elder Abuse Awareness Day?

15 June: Where can I get more information about WEAAD?

The National Center on Law & Elder Rights and Savvy Saving Seniors® are two online resources dedicated to the prevention of elder abuse that provide comprehensive descriptions of this day and its events. How to Avoid Ageless Alliance, Scams, and More

How to Observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Be aware of the signs of abuse. Bed sores, bruises, or chafing could be signs that your loved one has been physically abused or restrained to a bed or wheelchair. Poor hygiene is also a sign of abuse, and if he or she has recently lost weight, malnutrition or dehydration may be to blame. Also keep an eye out for changes in the person's mood; See if you can figure out why they seem depressed, anxious, agitated, or listless. To put it succinctly, any changes in an elderly person's behavior, disposition, or health could be cause for concern.

Say something if you have a suspicion. If you do find signs of abuse, keep a record of them. Get a statement from the victim or any witnesses, take pictures of bruises or injuries, and record any suspicious behavior or circumstances. The manager or director of the long-term care facility or home care provider can then address your concerns; Contact the police or an elder abuse attorney if they do not act.

Use social media to spread the word It may seem counterintuitive to use tools that are mostly thought of as the domain of younger generations to help prevent elder abuse, but there is really no better way to spread the word and raise awareness than through social media. Use the hashtag #WEAAD on Twitter and share helpful articles on Facebook.

5 FACTS ABOUT ELDER ABUSE Most cases of elder abuse take place in the elderly person's own home.

One in ten elderly people will suffer from some form of abuse in their lifetime.

Financial exploitation and extortion are the most prevalent forms of abuse, and they pose the greatest threat to finances.

Family members make up 9 out of 10 perpetrators of elder abuse. About 90% of cases of elder abuse and neglect involve family members.

Many don't get reported. Only one out of every six cases of elder abuse gets reported.

Why it's important to celebrate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Older Americans may not be able to advocate for themselves. Many seniors are unable to do so because they are physically weak or because they are afraid of speaking up and risking repercussions. Everyone needs to be on the lookout for warning signs of elder abuse and to speak up if they notice anything amiss.

Elders are revered in many cultures, and with good reason. They deserve our respect and attention. They are valued for the lessons that younger people can learn from their experiences, memories, and perspective on life. Additionally, the culture as a whole suffers if older people are discouraged from passing on their knowledge and abilities. Older generations owe it to us to safeguard their so-called "Golden Years" from neglect.

It makes us remember to look out for one another. It's easy to see bad things and not say anything, whether it's abuse from seniors or a mugging on the street. However, this holiday serves as a timely reminder of the significance of taking care of and protecting one another. It calls us to daily acts of compassion and concern for others rather than just ourselves.

Questions to Ask on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: What day of the year is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day?

Every year, June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. In 2006, the World Health Organization and the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse established this day to draw attention to the rising number of cases of elder abuse and encourage action against it.

Q2. What is the theme of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in 2023?

The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization, the event's organizers, have yet to reveal the theme for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023. The World Elder Abuse Awareness Day theme changes each year.

Q3. What is the purpose of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day?

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day brings attention to the increasing number of elder abuse cases. The day's objective is to encourage governments and authorities to take action against abusers, as well as to ensure older people's safety and community care.

Q4. What was the theme for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in 2022?

“Combating Elder Abuse” was the theme of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2022. On World Elder Abuse Awareness Day each year, the WHO and the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse announce a new theme.

Q5. Who started the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day initiative?

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was established in 2006 by the World Health Organization and the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. This day's objective is to raise awareness of the growing problem of elder abuse and take action to stop it.

Q6. What is the celebration of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day?

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is observed annually on June 15 by individuals and groups from all over the world. This day is celebrated in the following manner.

Participate in educational events that discuss elder abuse's causes and solutions.

Engage in offline and online campaigns to raise awareness of elder abuse.

Giving to associations that help elderly folks in trouble.

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