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Hanuman Jayanti: On the 15th day of Shukla Paksha, which falls during the month of Chaitra.

Hanuman Jayanti: On the 15th day of Shukla Paksha, which falls during the month of Chaitra, Hanumanh Jayanti is a holiday that honors the Vanara god Hanuman. Even though it isn't officially recognized as a holiday in India, it is still revered by Hindus everywhere. Because it is a restricted holiday in India, it could be one of the holidays that a person can take if they so choose.

History of Hanumanh Jayanti:-

Albeit the genuine beginnings of this occasion is lost in time, Hanuman is referenced in both the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Scholars believe this deity dates back to the eighth century. After that, Hanuman began to take shape over the centuries. However, he would not become very important until the Middle Ages.

The Story of Hanuman: According to Hanuman's origin story, the vanaras gave birth to him in the forest. Anjana was his mother, and she was cursed by a wise man after insulting him. She became a female monkey as a result of the curse, which could only be lifted if she gave birth to a son. Kesari, who was the King of Sumeru, was Hanuman's father. Anjana is said to have prayed to Shiva for 12 years in order to have a child. All of Anjana's prayers brought Shiva into Anjana's good graces, and Shiva eventually granted her wish, allowing her to become pregnant and give birth to Hanuman, who was also Lord Shiva's incarnation.

When Hanuman was just a small child, he thought the sun was a mango when he saw it. a mango that her pursued in order for him to eat. However, he was unaware that Rahu was pursuing the sun in order to eat it as well. Because of this, they reached the sun at the same time, which led to an epic battle between the two. After Rahu had been battered by Hanuman, he went up to Indra, the King of the Devas, and complained that a little monkey had stopped him from swallowing the sun; due to the scheduled eclipse, which he had to complete. This drove Indra extremely crazy and Indra tossed a thunderclap at Hanuman. He was disfigured when the thunderbolt hit him in the jaw, and he fell back to the ground.

Hanuman's magnificent dad, Vayu, was angry that Indra would be so impolite to harm his child, so he shut down every one of the breezes of the earth from blowing. This jeopardized every one of the lives in the world on the grounds that without outside air one can't live. At that point, all of the gods went to Vayu to convince him to get the winds back. At the point when Vayu wouldn't pay attention to what they needed to say, they then, at that point, chose to give to Hanuman a wide range of exceptional powers like mental fortitude and strength. Vayu then made the decision to get the winds back.

birth of Lord Hanuman: The entire Hindu community observes Hanuman Jayanti to commemorate the Vanara God's birth. Lord Hanuman is worshiped for his intense devotion to Lord Rama and devotion to the Lord. Lord Hanuman is regarded by Hindus as a representation of power, vitality, and unfathomable devotion. Hanuman Jayanti is a significant Hindu festival celebrated by going to Hanuman temples and worshiping him. On this day, in addition to praying and making pujas, people also fast. The Hanuman Jayanti fast and how to observe it are described in the following lines.

Hanuman Jayanti Vrat, also known as Hanuman Jayanti Upvaas, is observed on the Chaitra Purnima day, which is a full moon day in the Chaitra month of the Hindu calendar. Here is how to observe Hanuman Jayanti Fast. While Hanuman Jayanti Vrat is observed the day before Hanuman Jayanti in Maharashtra and other western parts of India, people in North India fast on the actual Hanuman Jayanti day. Hanuman Jayanti Vrat, in contrast to the majority of Hindu fasts and vrats, is mostly observed by men, particularly wrestlers and bodybuilders. The festival and fast preparations begin early in the morning. Homes are entirely cleaned and symbols, body or pictures of Master Hanuman are decontaminated. After applying Sindoor to these, a lamp is then lit.

Sweets and bananas are given as well as prayers chanted. Aficionados discuss the Hanuman Chalisa. The Chalisa may be recited multiple times, depending on a devotee's level of devotion. The prayers are concluded with the recitation of Hanuman Arati, also known as Aarti Bajrangbali Ki. On Hanuman Jayanti, those who choose to observe vrat or upvaas observe it from sunrise to sunset. However, with the exception of Sabudana Kihichdi, people who observe a partial fast consume fruits and milk. The quick is broken by offering puja at night or visiting a Hanuman Sanctuary in the area. However, there are devotees who do not break their fast until the following morning.

Hanumanh Jayanti customs and celebrations: During this holiday, devotees go to the Hunuman temple to pray and offer red hibiscus flowers or sharkkara unda—rice flour balls—as offerings. Throughout the day, Lord Ram's names are frequently recited and chanted. All of this is thought to be extremely fortunate. Many people celebrate the end of the day by having a special meal and spending time with friends and family.

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