Media related to February 31, for the true use of February 30 in calendar systems see
February 31, with regard to the modern Western (revised Gregorian) calendar, is an imaginary date. It is sometimes used for example purposes, to make it clear regardless of context that the information being presented is artificial and not real data. February 30 is sometimes used in the same manner, although there are other calendars that legitimately use February 30.
In this respect, these "dates" are similar to other clearly fictional data used for a similar purpose, such as "John Q. Public".
~ This gravestone in the Old Mission Church Cemetery in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, shows the date of death for Christiana Haag as being Feb. 31, 1869.
~ Gravestone in Nikitsky Cemetery (K. Marx street) in Kursk, Russia, shows the date of death for merchant Anna Gladkova as February 31
, 1851.