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Republic day and 26th January are the same and why celebrated in India?

India will observe Republic Day on January 26 as it does each year, and preparations for the occasion are currently in full swing across the country. On India's national holiday, both the adoption of the Indian Constitution and the establishment of democracy are commemorated.

Is Republic Day celebrated in 1974?

Images of festivals for Republic Day in 2023 Day Monday, January 16th Category images for wishes for Republic Day in 2023: significance The Indian Constitution was signed on this day in 1950. On January 26, 2022, India will observe its 74th Republic Day. The Constitution of India went into effect on January 26, 1950.

Who started Republic Day first?

The constitution was approved by the Indian Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949, and it became law on January 26, 1950. Republic Day was chosen on January 26, 1930, when the Indian National Congress issued the Declaration of Indian Independence.

Why celebrate Republic Day?

Every January 26, India observes Republic Day to commemorate the adoption of the constitution in 1950, when the nation became a sovereign, democratic, and republic following its liberation in 1947.

Is Republic Day a public holiday?

Everyone has a day off on Republic Day. Because it is a public holiday, most schools and businesses are closed.

What are people doing?

It takes a lot of time and effort to plan Republic Day celebrations and events in India. There are massive military parades in the state capitals and New Delhi. The parades feature traditional dance troupes as well as representatives from the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force.

During a grand parade in New Delhi, the prime minister of India places a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate to honor soldiers who gave their lives for their country. The Indian president gives the military salute during the parade in New Delhi, and state governors give it in their respective states' capitals. A foreign head of state typically attends Republic Day with the president.

Bravery medals and awards are given to both civilians and armed forces. Rose petals are then thrown at the audience as military helicopters fly by the parade area. During the parade, schoolchildren also dance and sing patriotic songs. Military personnel also demonstrate riding motorcycles. At the conclusion of the parade, the Indian Air Force performs a "fly past" in which fighter planes fly past the dais in a symbolic salute to the president. These leave behind smoke traces in the colors of the Indian flag.

Numerous cultural events, both national and local, focus on Indian history and culture. Children are the target audience for these programs especially. Children are frequently given sweets or small toys as gifts. Additionally, the Lok Tarang – National Folk Dance Festival, which takes place annually from January 24 to 29, is held around this time of year.

India declares a public holiday every January 26 known as Public Life Republic Day. On this day, all federal, state, and local government offices, post offices, and banks are closed. There is a possibility that businesses and other organizations will either close earlier or stay open later.

Public transportation is typically unaffected because many locals travel for celebrations. Republic Day parades significantly disrupt traffic, and on this day, security may be increased, particularly in New Delhi and the state capitals.

Background: India gained its independence from the United Kingdom on August 15, 1947. India did not have a permanent constitution at the time. The drafting committee presented the first draft of the constitution to the national assembly on November 4, 1947. The final English and Hindi versions of the constitution were signed by the national assembly on January 24, 1950.

India's constitution went into effect on Republic Day, January 26, 1950. The celebration of Purna Swaraj Day, which took place on January 26, 1930, coincided with this day. The Indian constitution gave the country's citizens the ability to choose their own government and govern themselves. Dr. Rajendra Prasad led a residential drive to the Irwin Stadium after swearing in as India's first president at the Durbar Hall in Government House. There, he unfurled the nation's flag. Since the historic day, January 26 has been celebrated in India with patriotic fervor.

Symbols Republic Day is a symbol of India's true independence spirit. Significant symbols include military parades, the national flag, and displays of military equipment on this day. Dark green at the bottom, white in the middle, and deep saffron (kesaria) at the top make up India's horizontal tricolor. The flag is two to three times longer than it is wide. In the center of the white band, a navy-blue wheel stands for the chakra. It looks like the wheel on Ashoka's Sarnath Lion Capital's abacus. It has 24 spokes and a diameter comparable to the white band's width.

Questions and Answers About the Republic Day Speech 1: In 2021, how many years of independence will India celebrate? In 2021, the people of India will observe their 72nd republic day, which began on January 26, 1950.

2. Who was the president of First Republic Day? Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the nation's first president and the first president of Republic Day.

3. At the 72nd Republic Day Celebration, who will serve as the guest of honor? Unfortunately, there will not be a chief guest this year due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

4. What started Republic Day? When India became independent on August 15, 1947, it did not have a constitution. On August 29, 1947, a motion to appoint a committee to draft a permanent constitution was moved. The elected members of the provincial assemblies selected the committee's members. Dr. BR Ambedkar served as the committee's leader, and it had 308 members. The Assembly met for a total of two years, 166 days, 11 months, and 18 days prior to the Constitution's formal adoption. These sessions were open to the public. After numerous discussions and revisions, the Assembly signed two handwritten copies of the document on January 24, 1950—one in Hindi and one in English. It became the Indian constitution two days later, on January 26, 1950. The first person to do so was Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who took office as President of the Indian Union on the same day. Additionally, the Constituent Assembly was transformed into India's Parliament by the transitional provisions of the new Constitution. As a result, India observes Republic Day on January 26 to commemorate the day that the constitution went into effect; Independence Day, on the other hand, marks India's liberation from British rule on August 15, 1947.

5. What is the constitution of India?

The Constitution of India is the most significant law. This document lays out the framework for the fundamental political code, structure, procedures, powers, and responsibilities of government institutions. It is the longest constitution ever written, surpassing the Alabama Constitution by 145,000 words. When it was enacted, it had 395 articles, 22 parts, and 8 schedules. There are 470 articles, 25 sections, and a preamble. 104 changes have been made to it since its inception, the most recent of which took effect on January 25, 2020. In addition, it establishes the responsibilities of citizens, directive principles, and fundamental rights. The Indian constitution recognizes six fundamental rights: the right to equality; the right to freedom; the right against exploitation; the right to freedom of religion; the right to culture and education; and the right to constitutional remedies. The basic responsibilities were increased from six to eleven in 2002. The following are the six responsibilities outlined in the original constitution: to sing the National Anthem and Flag, respect the Constitution's principles and institutions, and follow its rules. to revere and uphold the noble ideals that motivated our nation's struggle for freedom. to maintain and protect India's integrity, unity, and sovereignty. to serve in the military when called upon and protect the nation. to put an end to practices that disrespect women's dignity and to cultivate a spirit of brotherhood among all Indians, regardless of their differences in religion, language, region, or section. to value and preserve our varied cultural heritage. The supremacy granted by the constitution cannot be overridden by parliament. The equality, freedom, and brotherhood of its citizens are guaranteed by India's constitution, which makes the country a sovereign socialist, secular, democratic republic.

Our nation is getting ready for January 26th, which is Republic Day. This year marks India's 72nd Republic Day. India gained its independence on August 15, 1947, but a constitution was not drafted until January 26, 1950. The day that India's constitution went into effect is celebrated on Republic Day. This national holiday will be observed on January 26 at colleges and universities across the nation. One of the competitions held on Republic Day is a speech contest. A 300-word short speech and a 500-word long speech for Republic Day are provided below. Speech for Republic Day Greetings to all of you celebrating Republic Day here. India observes Republic Day on January 26 each year. India celebrates its 72nd Republic Day this year. Republic Day commemorates our nation's historic transition into an independent republic. We are all aware that India achieved independence on August 15, 1947, and that the nation did not have its own constitution. Instead, the British established the rules that India followed. However, after extensive deliberation and revision, a committee led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar submitted a draft of the Indian constitution. On November 26, 1949, the draft was approved, and on January 26, 1950, Dr. Rajendra Prasad began serving as India's first president. In addition, the Constituent Assembly was made India's Parliament by the new Constitution. The President, Prime Minister, and other high-ranking officials have always attended the main Republic Day celebration on the Rajpath in New Delhi, India's capital. As a sign of respect for India, ceremonial parades are held on the Rajpath on Republic Day. Raisina Hill, which can be found on the Rajpath just past the Indian gate, is Republic Day's main attraction. The celebration begins at Rashtrapati Bhavan's entrance. Following the formal parade, a number of dignitaries, including the President, Prime Minister, and other high-ranking government officials, attend the Rajpath. India has been hosting honorary guests every year in the capital for republic day celebrations. These guests could be heads of state or governments from other nations. Since 1950, this has been the case; For instance, former President Barack Obama was the guest of honor on Republic Day in 2015, which fell on January 26. Due to the covid outbreak, the 72nd Republic Day celebration will not have a guest of honor. A republic day parade and a speech by the president follow the flag-raising at the Rajpath in the national capital at approximately 8 a.m. The Republic Day March, which celebrates Indian social and cultural heritage, is regarded as an eye-catching part of the festival. In addition, the Indian Defense Capability is displayed. In all of their official attire, the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force march with their respective bands. Nine to twelve distinct regiments exist. The President of India, who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces, gives the salute. On this prestigious occasion, the soldiers, our nation's heroes, are not forgotten. Prestigious awards will be given to heroes and martyrs who risked their lives to protect the nation. Republic Day is celebrated enthusiastically and with a lot of energy in every office, school, and college. Schools hold competitions for dancing, singing, and giving speeches on Republic Day. However, India's constitutional status as a democratic, socialist, and secular republic stands out above all else. It guarantees equality, liberty, brotherhood, and justice to its citizens. Additionally, it establishes our rights and responsibilities as citizens. On this Republic Day, I hope that, regardless of our wealth, whether we are powerful politicians or everyday citizens, we will continue to uphold these fundamental principles and values that our amazing constitution has given us. so that we don't lose the foundation upon which our nation is built as we move forward and continue to construct it.  I'd like to say at the end of this speech that India is a democracy. Citizens of democratic nations take pleasure in the privilege of electing their own president. As a nation, we have seen significant economic progress and success, but we continue to face numerous challenges, including poverty, unemployment, pollution, COVID, which has been around for two years. It is our duty as citizens to overcome these challenges and emerge victorious. As a result, one thing we can all promise to one another is that we will grow as people so that we can assist in resolving these issues and making our nation a better place. Many thanks, Jai Hind. Brief Speech on Republic Day Greetings to all those present on this auspicious day. Today marks the 72nd anniversary of our nation's independence. Being able to deliver a speech on Republic Day is a privilege and an honor. The annual celebration of India's Republic Day on January 26 has significant historical significance. To make the national event one to remember, we celebrate it with great joy, happiness, and pride each year. Since January 26, 1950, when the Indian constitution went into effect, we Indians have celebrated this day as Republic Day. We are all aware that India became a sovereign nation on August 15, 1947, but the nation did not have a constitution. However, Dr. BR Ambedkar's committee submitted a draft of the Indian constitution, which was approved on November 26, 1949, and became law on January 26, 1950. I want to say at the end of this speech that India is a democratic country. Citizens of democratic nations take pleasure in the privilege of electing their own president. We are still confronted with problems like poverty, unemployment, and pollution, despite the substantial progress that has been made up to this point. One thing we can all do is promise one another that we will improve as individuals so that we can assist in resolving these problems and making our nation a better place. Many thanks, Jai Hind.

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