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science fiction in the United States observe an unofficial holiday called National Science day.

Many fans of science fiction in the United States observe an unofficial holiday called National Science Fiction Day on January 2, which is Isaac Asimov's official birthday.

The world of science fiction: Science fiction is a contemporary form of literature. However scholars in times long past in some cases managed subjects normal to current sci-fi, their accounts took a stab at logical and mechanical credibility, the component that separates sci-fi from prior speculative compositions and other contemporary speculative kinds like dream and ghastliness. The genre officially emerged in the West, where writers and intellectuals speculated on the effects that technology would have in the future as a result of the social shifts brought about by the Industrial Revolution.

Space travel, robots, aliens, and time travel were just a few of the common science fiction "sets" that had emerged by the turn of the 20th century (see Major science fiction themes below). Prophetic warnings, utopian aspirations, elaborate scenarios for completely fictitious worlds, titanic disasters, strange voyages, and political agitation of many extremist flavors are the typical "theatrics" of science fiction. These "theatrics" are presented in the form of sermons, meditations, satires, allegories, and parodies, exhibiting every conceivable attitude toward the process of techno-social change, ranging from cynical despair to

In order to freely predict the techno-social changes that will shock readers' sense of cultural propriety and expand their consciousness, science fiction authors frequently seek out new scientific and technical developments. H.G. Wells, a pioneer of the genre and probably its greatest author, utilized this strategy extensively in his writing. Wells was an avid student of the British scientist T.H. Huxley, who earned the nickname "Darwin's Bulldog" for his passionate support of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Science fiction's latent radicalism, affinity for aggressive satire and utopian political agendas, as well as its dire predictions of technological destruction, are abundantly demonstrated by Wells's literary career.

Aldous Huxley, T.H. Huxley's grandson, was a social satirist, a proponent of psychedelic drugs, and the author of Brave New World (1932), a dystopian classic. His work exemplifies this dark dystopian side. The famous Necronomicon, an imaginary book of knowledge so ferocious that any scientist who dares to read it succumbs to madness, was also responsible for cultivating a sense of dread. On a more personal level, the metaphysical questions about identity, humanity, and the nature of reality are presented in the works of Philip K. Dick, which are frequently made into movies. The mind-stretching novels written by the English philosopher Olaf Stapledon depict all of human history as a fragile bubble in the icy galactic stream of space and time, making them perhaps the most gloomy of all. For the typical reader of science fiction, Stapledon's viewpoints were rather specialized. The genre was generally stigmatized when it first emerged in the early 20th century, particularly in the United States, where it initially targeted children. After World War II, science fiction spread all over the world from its epicenter in the United States. This spread was fueled by ever more amazing scientific achievements, like the invention of nuclear energy and atomic bombs, space travel, human visits to the Moon, and the real possibility of cloning human life.

Science fiction was more than just a literary genre by the 21st century. A flourishing subculture existed all over the world thanks to its dedicated practitioners and followers. Fans savored the apparently interminable assortment of SF-related items and side interests, including books, films, network shows, PC games, magazines, artistic creations, comics, and, progressively, collectible puppets, Sites, DVDs, and toy weaponry. Costumes were worn, handicrafts were sold, and folk songs were sung at their regularly held, well-organized conventions.

In the distant past, science fiction has its roots. Lucian, a Greek satirist born in Syria in the second century CE, describes sailing to the Moon in Trips to the Moon, one of the earliest examples. Such trips of extravagant, or phenomenal stories, gave a well known design where to ridicule government, society, and religion while dodging slander suits, oversight, and mistreatment. Cyrano de Bergerac, a swashbuckler from the 17th century who described a voyager to the Moon discovering a utopian society of men free from war, disease, and hunger, was the genre's most obvious forerunner. See beneath Utopias and oppressed worlds.) The traveler joins lunar society as a philosopher after eating fruit from the biblical tree of knowledge—that is, until he is kicked off the Moon for blasphemy. He makes a brief return to Earth before making his way to the Sun, where a group of birds puts him on trial for the crimes committed by humanity. Cyrano set out to create a diversion by making impossible things seem possible. Cyrano had a significant impact on subsequent satirists and social critics, despite the fact that this and his other SF-like works were only published after his death and in various censored versions. Cyrano's mark is particularly evident in two works: Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726) and Voltaire's Micromégas (1752), both of which feature bizarre monsters, gross deviations from the norm, and harsh satire of a similar nature.

L'An two mille quatre cent quarante by Louis-Sébastien Mercier (circa 1771; " The Year 2440 Memoirs of the Year Two Thousand and Five Hundred), a French political speculation that takes place in a society that worships science in a utopian society of the 25th century. This was the first work to postulate a utopian society on Earth in the realizable future, whereas numerous authors had depicted some future utopian "Kingdom of God" or society in some mythical land. The French ancien régime quickly outlawed the book because they knew that Mercier's fantasies about "the future" were just a thin covering for his radical revolutionary views. The book by Mercier went on to become a best seller all over the world despite or perhaps because of this official authorization. Copies were owned by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Proto-science fiction of the 19th and early 20th centuries In 1818, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley published Frankenstein, marking the next significant step in the development of science fiction: or, Prometheus of the Present. Those who hail Shelley as the "mother of science fiction" focus on her original plot. She made her protagonist a practicing "scientist," despite the fact that the term "scientist" was not actually coined until 1834. She also gave him an interest in galvanic electricity and vivisection, two of the advanced technologies of the early 1800s, and she abandoned the occult folderol of the typical Gothic novel. Shelley gave her story an air of scientific plausibility, despite the fact that reanimated corpses are still fantastic in modern times. A powerful new method for evoking thrilling sensations of wonder and fear was established as a result of this masterful manipulation of her readers. Since its first publication in 1910, Frankenstein has been published in print and has been adapted numerous times for the screen. At the turn of the 21st century, when opponents of genetically engineered food coined the term "Frankenfood" to express their concern about the unknown effects of human manipulation of foodstuffs, Frankenstein's monster remained a potent metaphor.

Consider the views of science-fiction author Ray Bradbury on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher." See all videos for this article. Edgar Allan Poe was a significant forerunner in the 19th century. He wrote many works that can be loosely classified as science fiction. One illustration of Poe's ability to provide precise technical descriptions with the intention of misleading and impressing the gullible is the Balloon Hoax of 1844, which was originally published in the New York Sun.

Jules Verne Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne was arguably the inventor of science fiction and was more influential in the development of the genre than Edgar Allan Poe. Paris au XXième siècle (Paris in the Twenty-First Century), Verne's first book, was written in 1863 and published in 1994. It is set in the distant 1960s and contains some of his most accurate predictions: automobiles, elevated trains, facsimile machines, and banking machines that look like computers. However, Jules Hetzel, Verne's publisher, found the book's depiction of a depressing dystopian world devoid of art to be too radical.

Hetzel, who published the Magasin illustré d'éducation et de récréation, a popular science magazine for young people, was a better judge of public taste than Verne. Verne began working on the first of his Voyages extraordinaires, Cinq semaines en ballon (1863), under the editorial guidance of Hetzel. A Balloon for Five Weeks) The reader will learn about balloons, submarines, trains, mechanical elephants, and many other engineering marvels in this series of contemporary techno-thrillers, all of which will be described with unparalleled technical precision and wry humour.

Verne became a legend in his own time thanks to the remarkable international success of his novels. His major works, many of which were made into movies, continued to be popular into the 21st century, and the "scientific romance" became a staple of Western mainstream entertainment.

Another uncannily perceptive figure was the French artist Albert Robida. In 1882, he published essays and graphic cartoons (see figure) in Le Vingtième Siècle. During the Twenty-First Century), La Vie électrique (1883; The Electric Life"), as well as the particularly terrifying and impressive La Guerre au vingtième siècle (1887; Battle in the twentieth 100 years"). Even though Robida's clever extrapolations were meant to be funny, they turned out to be very similar to what happened in the 20th century. In point of fact, ever since Robida's time, science fiction has frequently proven to be most prophetic not when it is at its most elitist and bizarre but when it is at its most elitist and morally upright heights.

In the 1880s and '90s, creative imagination flourished in both Great Britain and France. Innovative works like The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson (1886) and H.G. Wells' phenomenal trilogy of The Time Machine (1895), The Invisible Man (1897), and The War of the Worlds (1898) were literary icons of the time. Never before have fantastic occurrences with what appeared to be scientific plausibility occurred in the midst of routine daily life. These works attacked the fabric of Victorian reality with aggression by utilizing the scientific worldview. Space travel, time travel, utopias and dystopias, and encounters with alien beings were among the most prevalent themes of science fiction at the turn of the twentieth century. British postmarks were also prevalent.

The technophilic tenor of the times, as well as nineteenth century free enterprise private enterprise, likewise motivated a response from the people who yearned for a re-visitation of a preindustrial life. In his novel News from Nowhere (1890), William Morris envisioned a pastoral utopia in the 21st century that incorporated the lucid and tranquil values of the 14th century with the author's socialist ideas. C.S. Lewis praised Morris's style and language, despite some critics dismissing it as communist propaganda.

Indeed, pastoral settings were infused with heroic and mythic elements by Lewis, Lord Dunsany, E.R. Eddison, J.R.R. Tolkien, and a growing number of imitators, frequently borrowing from a Christian ethos. Even across the Atlantic, works of this kind were produced, most notably in two novels written by William Dean Howells, the American letters dean of the late 19th century. Through the Eye of the Needle (1907) and A Traveler from Altruria (1894) by Howells, he described Altruria as a utopian society governed by an "ethical socialism" founded on Christianity and the U.S. Constitution. Even though heroic fantasy remained a minority genre for many decades in Britain and elsewhere, it began to take over bookstore shelves and book clubs in the second half of the 20th century (see Science fiction after World War II).

Why Public Sci-fi Day is commended?

Isaac Asimov, the celebrated author of science fiction, was born on the day of the celebration. Isaac Asimov, an American author and biochemistry professor at Boston University, was born Isaak Yudovich Ozimov on January 2, 1920. His science fiction and popular science books are his most well-known works.

Who are the top three science fiction characters?

The "Big Three" of science fiction were Isaac Asimov, Clarke, and Robert Heinlein for a long time. Space travel was a lifelong passion of Clarke's. In 1934, while still a young person, he joined the BIS, English Interplanetary Society.

What is the significance of science fiction?

For one reason, science fiction is an essential part of literature: Readers are drawn to what reflects where we are today because it creates alternate realities at various points in time. Science fiction teaches us how to deal with the present through that determined search for the future.

What is science fiction's central concept?

The genre of fiction known as science fiction focuses primarily on the effects of real or imagined science on society or individuals.

What makes science fiction special?

Science fiction, also known as "sci-fi," is a type of fiction whose plots are imaginative but grounded in science. It differs from fantasy in that it relies heavily on scientific facts, theories, and principles to support its settings, characters, themes, and plotlines.

Where is the celebration of National Science Fiction Day?

Many fans of science fiction in the United States observe an unofficial holiday called National Science Fiction Day on January 2, which is Isaac Asimov's official birthday.

What are the three major themes of science fiction?

Alternate realities, possible future worlds, and characters with abilities beyond those of ordinary humans are the most prevalent themes in science fiction.

What Qualities Does Science Fiction Possess?



Societies of aliens

satire on society.

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